Batman V Superman: How the mighty have fallen

Posted: June 20, 2014 in Batman V Superman


After getting the finishing touched for his screen debut last week (above), the now infamous Superman Statue seems to have served its purpose and was removed from its pedestal today. It seems like a lot of effort for a day or two of filming, but there’s still a lot of filming ahead, so maybe he’ll be returned to his plinth at a later stage. For now, another green screen has been erected next to this one, and something else will take center stage. 


  1. […] sí, informa que la estatua ya ha sido desmontada y no se usará más. Además, os dejamos un vídeo […]


  2. […] pagina The Banadoc quien montó las primera fotos de la estatua, informó que la estatua ya fue […]


  3. […] the two year anniversary of Metropolis getting wrecked saved by the Man of Steel. Update: is reporting that the Superman statue was actually dismantled […]


  4. JT says:

    Thanks for all your posts and photos! It’s neat to see that this is being filmed right here in Michigan!


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