Filming of Transformers 5: The Last Knight moves on from Michigan to London and the Isle of Skye

Posted: August 23, 2016 in Transformers 5, Uncategorized

2016-07-23 036If you’ve been following the filming of Transformers 5: The Last Knight in Michigan over the last couple of months you’ll probably have noticed that they have now left our great state and moved on to film in the UK, notably London (probably) and this week on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. I have great memories of climbing the Old Man of Storr on Skye so I’ll be interested to see that in the movie. I was also surprised to see a real Medieval knight on horseback pictured on set. OK then! Gotta love these movies.

Those of you who follow my tweets and read my blog might have thought that for a movie stalker I haven’t been doing much stalking of this movie. Actually I have, I just haven’t posted what I’ve seen for various reasons. I don’t even want to count how many pictures I’ve taken and how many hours I’ve spent, but it was (mostly) fun, and I’ll be writing up and posting pictures here over the next weeks and months up to the release of the movie. This is a busy time of year with school starting up and so it will be slow(ish), and I’m also being somewhat careful what shots I share because there will be spoilers, and I’m less comfortable about giving a lot of stuff away. I did get to see some great scenes, but now and again my trusty camera wasn’t quite up to capturing the task. I’m remedying the situation by buying a Really Big Lens just as the last movie to be filmed in Michigan has packed up and left.

OK so Transformers 5 won’t be the very last movie to be filmed here. Rumors have it that the movie based on the Detroit Riots (still unnamed) will be coming here to film some scenes after they have finished the bulk of the filming in MA. More on that (and probably some political ranting) in a subsequent post. Watch this space!

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