Five Year Engagement filming at Jefferson Market and Cakery, Ann Arbor

Posted: June 8, 2011 in Five Year Engagement

Another hot day in A2 and the ‘Five Year Engagement’ crew set up outside Jefferson Market and Cakery on W. Jefferson in Ann Arbor. I think it’s great that this movie is really about Ann Arbor and some of it’s quirky little landmarks. Oh yeah, and U of M.  I was almost an extra by accident yesterday. I must look like a student (ha!) because I walked right across the Diag, sat on the grass and then suddenly realized that people around me looked a little posed. Oops.

The shirt says, “Come Smell our Dairy Air.”

  1. Becky says:

    That’s a Zingerman’s Creamery shirt!


  2. Carlee says:

    Thanks so much for this post, doc! Yesterday was the only day I could make it to AA with my friend, we were both dying to see Jason – this helped lead us in the right direction! Twitter was otherwise slow and unhelpful yesterday.. 😉 thanks again!


  3. Carlee says:

    I only got a couple of Jason – I’ll tweet them to you 🙂


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